Hazel Ying Lee Waitlist Opens October 18
Project Based Voucher Units. Please contact the Hazel Lee office to apply. Contact info below.
Waitlist will be open 10/18/24 – 11/01/24
Applicants will be drawn from the waitlist on a lottery basis
Contact Information
Phone #: 971-415-6870
Email: hazelyinglee@kpsinc.net
Apartment Features:
- Quartz Countertops
- SS Appliances
- Luxury Vinyl Flooring
- Spacious Layouts
- Laundry on-site
PBV Occupancy Standards:
- One bedroom for the head of household or a couple living together in a spousal-type relationship
- One more bedroom for each 2 additional people. If the family chooses, up to 2 more people are allowed in a unit with a living room space.
Community Amenities:
- Community Rooms
- Playroom
- Computer Room
- Large Courtyard with seating
- Basketball Court
- Playground
Income Restrictions Apply

Source: Housing Compliance & Monitoring
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