Grace Peck Terrace Renovation Project

Grace Peck Terrace Renovation Project This project preserves 95 units of affordable housing in Portland’s Irvington Neighborhood. Grace Peck Terrace was built in 1980. In recent years, its exterior envelope exhibited moisture penetration issues. A project to address these issues started, then expanded to address building system and interior needs. Work began in May 2023. Zones […]
Fairfield Apartments

Fairfield Apartments This four-story brick building was originally constructed in 1911 and consisted of single resident occupancy (SRO) units for individuals with very low incomes. Home Forward preserved and renovated the Fairfield, including seismic upgrades and structural improvements. Completed in August 2024, the newly renovated Fairfield consists of 75 SRO units and studios offering Permanent […]
Fountain Place

Fountain Place After successful relocation of residents prior to the COVID-19 closures, work began in March 2020 to undertake seismic structural improvements and renovation of existing apartments. Apartments will remain affordable to households earning less than 60% of Area Media Income (AMI). Former residents and new occupants will begin to move back by Fall 2021. […]