Broadway Corridor

The development will also feature an early learning center, a workforce development center, and a community room overlooking a second-story roof deck. The project is slated to break ground in late 2026.
PCC Killingsworth Housing Site

PCC Killingsworth Housing Site Home Forward is developing a new 84-unit project in the Cully neighborhood of Northeast Portland. Through a collaboration with Portland Community College (PCC), the new project will co-locate affordable housing with PCC’s brand-new Workforce Development Center and will offer a 16,000 square foot plaza designed to support a weekly farmers market […]
Troutdale Site

Troutdale Site As of November 2023, work is underway to design 85 affordable apartments at a site provided by Multnomah County in the historic old town area of Troutdale, adjacent to SW 257th Avenue. We expect to start construction in summer 2024. Metro’s affordable housing bond funds are providing the financial base for this project. […]
Peaceful Villa

Peaceful Villa Home Forward plans to redevelop Peaceful Villa in 2024. This decision affects the 70 households who currently call Peaceful Villa home, and those who will move into the newly constructed homes. The redevelopment process includes several phases. Residents currently living at the property will have opportunities to make choices about the relocation process before […]
Hazel Ying Lee Apartments

Hazel Ying Lee Apartments The Hazel Ying Lee Apartments is a family-focused apartment community in the Creston- Kenilworth neighborhood, where area residents are increasingly at risk of displacement from rising rents. The project provides a mix of studios and larger units for individuals and families in need of stable housing, within a short walk from […]
Dekum Court

Dekum Court Supported by Metro’s Regional Affordable Housing Bond Plans for 187 new affordable rental homes in NE Portland are underway! With funding from Metro’s Affordable Housing Bond, Oregon Housing and Community Services, and Home Forward, 147 new affordable homes will be added to the redevelopment of the existing 40 homes at Dekum Court. Construction […]